Church History/ Doctrine& Covenants Resources (and the blog) for 2025

(Post with minor updates from four years ago.)

I do not intend to write a weekly post on the Come Follow Me section. D&C is the book I have taught the least, read the least, know the least about, and have the most limited mental bibliography. While I do American religious history, 1820-1850 is not my time period or specialty at all.  Second, I am up to my eyeballs in writing projects: turning my dissertation into a book, some spin-off articles, and some other things. I will continue to write posts, some about D&C and Church history, but approximately… whenever the muse strikes and I have time.

It strikes me that with many of us holding Church within the walls of our own home, 2025 is an opportunity to study broader Church history than the early period covered by D&C.

So today, as I’ve done for our other books of scripture, I’m providing a list of resources for the next year, after consulting a number of friends who know these things better than I. All of these recommendations have flaws and limitations, and a link is not endorsement of everything an author has said, etc. Nevertheless, I think reading these will help us better understand early LDS Church history, scripture, and the mindset of those early members, why they talked and acted the way they did. Finally, unless otherwise obvious like an resource, all of these links are to Amazon, and I may receive a commission for purchases made through them.

Church Resources

I’m thrilled that I can include a section like this; it speaks to how seriously we’re taking our institutional history. These are free and very helpful.

  1. Revelations in Context, from the Church. Just bookmark the page where they’re listed by section. Also in the Gospel Library app.
  2. Saints and the accompanying podcast. Also in the Gospel Library app. I also cannot recommend more strongly these two podcasts with two of the writers/editors/historians behind saints. Link 1 and link 2.
  3. The First Vision podcast.
  4. For a deep dive, the Joseph Smith Papers
  5. The JSP has also produced the 1100 page Joseph Smith’s Revelations: A Doctrine and Covenants Study Companion
    1. This is available online, in a free .epub file, or Kindle. No paper version.

There is a lot here, and it can be overwhelming, so I’ve divided this up into sections. If you don’t want to wade through it all, here’s my shortlist of 5 books I wish everyone would read pertaining to Church history, the D&C, etc.

History is largely about understanding change and difference, something we don’t always do well as Latter-day Saints and which causes us lots of problems. We talk about line-upon-line which implies change and difference, but then assume or teach that the past wasn’t really any different or that we can safely ignore those differences. This shortlist (which I found very difficult to put together) emphasizes understanding those differences.


  1. A one-volume history of the entire LDS Church, either Allen/Leonard [ad link] The Story of the Latter-day Saints (which is out of print and stops in 1992) or Bowman’s [ad link] The Mormon People: Making of an American Faith which is more recent and aimed at a popular audience. Alternately, read Saints.
  2. Thomas G. Alexander [ad link] Mormonism in Transition: A History of the Latter-Day Saints, 1890-1930. 3rd ed. (Kofford, 2012). The first two editions were the University of Illinois Press.
    • This was originally commissioned by the Church as part of a 16-volume Church history series, which was then not brought to completion. This book covers the real transitionary years where the modern Church developed as LDS know it today. Polygamy (mostly) disappears, Mormons become stereotypical Americans instead of foreign outsiders, the Word of Wisdom is standardized and made a Temple Recommend requirement, doctrine is standardized and speculative theology tamped down, the temple ordinances and clothing are standardized, etc. If the early Church ever seems strange to you, this is where it becomes “normal.” Likewise, if you think this is how things have always been, you really need to read this.
  3. Bushman, [ad link] Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling and/or (his older) Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism
    • You can’t get away from Joseph Smith in the early history of Mormonism, so both these works are important. I know several people who consider his Beginnings of Mormonism (below) better than Rough Stone. Although the latter is a revision and expansion of the former, they cover different topics with different scope. Depending on your background, it can be a challenge to read a biography of Joseph Smith that doesn’t put him on a pedestal, that tries to respect both his prophethood and his humanity. Bushman is a venerable professor of American history, and was Patriarch in the Manhattan Stake before moving to Claremont.
  4. *Janiece Johnson and Jenny Reeder, [ad link] The Witness of Women: Firsthand Experiences and Testimonies from the Restoration (Deseret Book, 2016)
    •  This is specifically a resource book designed to accompany the D&C lessons, with lots of insights and stories from and about LDS women. I haven’t seen it yet, but it comes highly recommended from friends who have.
  5.  Turley and Slaughter, [ad link] How We Got the Doctrine & Covenants 

In the categories below, I’ve starred some things to call attention to, for various reasons.

Things not to bother reading

  • Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Why? In short, it’s not accurate nor what it appears to be. First compiled in 1934, TPJS is presented as direct1st person teachings of Joseph Smith, as if written by Joseph himself. This is largely not the case, and it has been superseded. The Church’s style guide directs,

    Avoid quoting from this book in Church publications because the scholarship is no longer current. For example, some of the statements attributed to Joseph Smith in the book were not actually made by him.

Yes, there are new versions coming out, but I haven’t seen these yet.

Read instead

Change and the Continuing Restoration

Joseph Smith’s day was different than ours. Different worldview  different issues, different day-to-day problems. Development and change. Nature of revelation. Joseph knew things in 1844 that he didn’t know in 1830.

  1. *BYU history professor Craig Harline “What Happened to my Bellbottoms? How Things That Were Never Going to Change Have Sometimes Changed Anyway, and How Studying History Can Help Us Make Sense of It All,”
  2. Allen, James B. “Line Upon Line.” Ensign July (1979): 32-39.
    • Allen provides several historical examples of the principal of line-upon-line, showing how church doctrine and policy grow,  change and adapt to circumstance through revelation. For example, before 1880, LDS did not understand that children should be sealed to parents, and so on back. Instead, the father of a family would be sealed (“adopted”) to a Church leader. Then came revelation to Wilfred Woodruff that this wasn’t the right way to do things, and so genealogy began in the LDS Church. (See also here and here on “adoption.”) If that kind of thing interests you, the next book is right up your alley.
  3. *Phillip Barlow,[ad link] Mormons and the Bible (Oxford Press)
    • Barlow shows how Mormons from Joseph Smith to today have interpreted the Bible in very different ways.
  4. Underwood,[ad link] Millenarian World of Early Mormonism and Blythe, [ad link] Terrible Revolution: Latter-day Saints and the American Apocalypse
    1. Latter-day Saints in the 19th century shared the view of many Americans that Jesus was returning very soon.
  5. Alexander, Thomas G. [ad link] Mormonism in Transition: A History of the Latter-Day Saints, 1890-1930. 3rd ed. ( Kofford Press, 2012) The first two editions were the University of Illinois Press.
  6. Charles Harrell, [ad link] This is My Doctrine: The Development of Mormon Theology
    • This is not a read-through book, but almost a short encyclopedic resource. Therein lies its strength and its weakness. It’s both really useful and also problematic. Harrell is a BYU engineering professor. See comments at Deseret Book, and reviews at reputable LDS blogs by Matt Bowman, Kevin Barney, and David T.
  7. Terryl Givens, [ad link] Wrestling the Angel: The Foundations of Mormon Thought: Cosmos, God, Humanity
  8. Jonathan Stapley’s book (which won the Best Book prize from the Mormon History Association) details how many concepts around fundamental things like priesthood and ordinances have shifted since the early days of the Church. It’s a semi-technical book, but check out the podcasts where he talks about it.
    1. Latter-day Saint Missioncast, “Basic Doctrines Part 6- Priesthood and Priesthood Keys with Jonathan Stapley” Dec 4, 2019
    2. LDS Perspectives “The Power of Godliness” Episode 109
    3. “The Development of LDS Liturgy and Cosmology” Maxwell Institute Podcast Episode #78
  9. I also recommend checking out Stapley’s two posts on D&C this year. Post 1 on studying D&C in general, post 2 about some resources.
  10. I spoke about how LDS leaders’ shifting assumptions changed our approaches to history in the 20th century at the 2024 FAIR Conference, link.

Approaching History, Church History, and its Potential Issues

Nature of the D&C text

Scripture is the “word of God” but only rarely the dictated “words of God.” We need to recognize the humanity that is always entangled with revelation and scripture, that revelation is composite.  As it pertains to D&C, we should understand that the text has been fluid and changeable, gets updated with new revelation, etc.

  1. Woodford, Robert J. “How the Revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants Were Received and Compiled.” Ensign (January 1985).
  2. Woodford, Robert J. “The Story of the Doctrine and Covenants.” Ensign (December 1984)
  3. Peterson, Melvin. “Preparing Early Revelations for Publication.” Ensign (February 1985)
  4. *Turley and Slaughter, How We Got the Doctrine & Covenants 
  5. *Grant Underwood lecture at BYU-H, “Relishing the Revisions: Joseph Smith and the Revelatory Process.”
    • In this lecture, Underwood addresses the nature of revelation and scripture, as evidenced by the D&C. He wrote the important book, The Millenarian World of Early Mormonism, which looks at how much early LDS lived in and shared a religious worldview anticipating the imminent second coming of Jesus.
    • C.f. Steven Harper “Revelation as Process”

D&C itself and Commentaries


There is no shortage of good material about particular events, sections, etc. from lds-focused journals. I suspect the three that might be most accessible are

  • BYU Studies
    • BYU Studies is affiliated with BYU, and publishes articles about history, doctrine, literature, book reviews, atonement, etc. See their page with Gospel Doctrine resources.
  • Journal of Mormon History
    • This is more specialized than BYU Studies, obviously, but that has advantages. Their archives are searchable.
  • Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought
    • Originally started in 1966 by a number of thoughtful LDS like Eugene England and Dallin H. Oaks (who joined the editorial board in 1968), Dialogue recently had its 50th anniversary. If BYU Studies is sometimes constrained by its BYU affiliation, Dialogue has sometimes been too unconstrained in the opposite direction, depending on the editor. There is a lot of good stuff in it about history, and its worth being aware of. Archives are searchable.
  • Interpreter (essentially a FARMS/MI offshoot)

Last but not Least!

One important category in which both American culture and Mormon policy/doctrine have changed dramatically since the 1830s involves how we conceptualize people, relationships, and the categories we consciously and unconsciously put them into.

As I said at the beginning, this is a far from a complete list. Others have offered more academic lists of articles and books, and I’ll occasionally offer more lesson-specific suggestions, like here and here (Official Declaration 2).

As always, you can help me pay my tuition here, or you can support my work through purchasing the books I link through Amazon. *I am an Amazon Affiliate, and receive a small percentage of purchases made through these links. You can also get updates by email whenever a post goes up (subscription box below). You can also follow Benjamin the Scribe on Facebook.


  1. The link to Woodford’s dissertation at BYU Studies doesn’t work. I searched BYU Studies’ site and it doesn’t come up there either. I’ve searched for it recently and haven’t had much like finding it, although I’ve heard you can find it on ProQuest if you have access to a university library account.

    • Thanks! I wonder how long I’ve had that link, then. As I’ve noted in the edit up there, I have a copy, but it’s too big to post and apparently under copyright.

  2. Marianne F Bates

    November 27, 2016 at 5:24 pm

    Thanks for the great list. Now I need to start reading!

  3. Jiminy Brunswick

    November 28, 2016 at 6:09 pm

    Thank you for such a great list!

  4. There are other Interpreter articles that are very relevant to next year’s SS course that don’t show up in the link you provided. This one I found particularly interesting:

  5. It looks like the Revelations in Context articles have been compiled into a book that is now available from the Distribution Center:

    • It is also included in the Church History section of the Church’s recently updated Gospel Library app, along with the “Gospel Topics” essays, as well the the five First Vision accounts by Joseph Smith, among other things

  6. What to you think of the four volume set of A Commentary on the Doctrine and Covenants by Stephen Robinson and Dean Garrett?

    • benspackman

      December 22, 2024 at 1:41 pm

      I can’t recall my opinion. D&C isn’t my area, but I quite like Stephen Robinson in general. (D&C was not his area either, FWIW.) Also, fyi, I have to approve all comments, but I also don’t get notified when there are new comments, so there can be a delay.

  7. Do you know anything about Benjamin Park’s new book, American Zion? From what I have heard, it’s more devoted to church history that takes place after the revelations of D&C but could be a good resource. Have you read his previous book, Kingdom of Nauvoo?

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