Category: Announcements

Merry Christmas! I Give You… My Dissertation On Latter-day Saints and Creation/Evolution Conflict

Now available from ProQuest, in Pdf, paperback, or hardcover, the new hot dissertation EVERYONE wants to read!

“The Scientist is Wrong”: Joseph Fielding Smith, George McCready Price, and the Ascent of Creationist Thought among Latter-day Saints in the Twentieth Century

A few notes, followed by the Dissertation Abstract, and my story:

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Speaking announcements and also, why LDS unwittingly think like Protestants

First, as many wonder, I have successfully defended my dissertation. When and in what forms it will be available to the public, I can’t say yet, but I’m already in talks with academic presses to turn it into a book. The final title was “The Scientist is Wrong”: Joseph Fielding Smith, George McCready Price, and the Ascent of Creationist Thought among Latter-day Saints in the Twentieth Century. 

Some other announcements of interest: Continue reading